Painting Machine Discussed in New Book from Brazil

MENTIRA DE ARTISTA by Fabio Oliveira Nunes

My Interactive Robotic Painting Machine is discussed in a new book by artist and professor Fabio Oliveira Nunes, titled “MENTIRA DE ARTISTA: arte (e tecnologia) que nos engana para repensarmos o mundo.” Roughly translated as “ARTISTS LIE: art (and technology) that deceives us to rethink the world,” the book “…addresses a universe of contemporary works of art that pass for what they are not. Here, artists resort to forms that attempt to mislead the real nature of their propositions by inserting them as part of a context: they can make use of personas (assuming an alternative existence), create fictitious institutions (such as companies), generate ambiguous situations, or embark on other practices that, as a rule, happen outside of the habitual environments of the arts.”

I’m very happy to be a part of this book, and also glad to share that it is available for free online (in addition to print). Fabio Oliveira Nunes is a professor at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP, in Brazil.