Upcoming Talk and Workshop at USC

A screenshot of Feed Sandbox, the prototyping tool we have developed for the Workshop

A screenshot of Feed Sandbox, the prototyping tool we have developed for the Workshop

This coming Thursday, I’ll be part of a presentation and workshop at the University of Southern California. Titled Archives, Algorithms, and Art, my colleague and former advisor Kevin Hamilton and I will break the audience into small teams to brainstorm new, hypothetical and even impossible configurations of “sending” and “receiving” in the context of software-based social media streams. Borrowing techniques from research in human-computer interaction, we’ll look to produce propositional configurations of authorship, processing, and consumption that highlight how specific visions of self and society end up encoded in everyday media platforms.

The talk is part of USC’s Visions and Voices series, and is being hosted by Tara McPherson of the interdivisional Media Arts + Practice PhD program (iMAP) within the School of Cinematic Arts.