This past spring I found out I won a Terminal Award for 2012-2013. This award and stipend, which was juried by Stephanie Rothenberg and xtine burrough, supports the completion of internet-based artworks. Terminal is run out of Austin Peay State University by Barry Jones.

Facebook Demetricator Prototype Removing Metrics on the Friends Page
The work I proposed to build is called the Facebook Demetricator. Facebook Demetricator is a browser add-on that removes all quantifying counts from the Facebook interface. Users are able to see who their friends are, but would have to count them by hand to know how many they have. They can see who comments on their status, but will only see their names instead of their aggregate value.
I am hard at work finishing this project at the moment and plan to launch it in a couple days. It has also been accepted to Prospectives ’12 which opens on October 18th, so that will be its initial exhibition debut. Stay tuned…
Many thanks to Terminal for the support!