Works Discussed Within and on the Cover of Technologies of Vision: The War Between Data and Images

Computers Watching Movies on the cover of Technologies of Vision

Computers Watching Movies on the cover of Technologies of Vision

I’ve been meaning to share that several of my works are discussed within the recently published book Technologies of Vision: The War Between Data and Images. Written by Steve F Anderson, he argues that:

… data and images are not an oppositional binary but rather complementary—at times even congruent—existing in a dynamic interplay that drives technological development and media making both in and outside of the entertainment industries. The premise of the book is that understanding the evolving relationship between data and images offers a key to thinking critically about media and technology in the politics of everyday life.

Steve talks about my works Computers Watching Movies and Interactive Robotic Painting Machine, and, happily, images from Computers Watching Movies are on the front and back cover. I’m a big fan of Steve’s work, so am quite happy to be able to share this! The book is published by MIT Press, and is available direct from them, as well as from Amazon.