My article “What Do Metrics Want? How Quantification Prescribes Social Interaction on Facebook”—published in the journal Computational Culture—has received a significant amount of discussion in the press. The articles include:
- The Washington Post: The (one) simple thing fueling your social media addiction
- The Atlantic: How Numbers on Facebook Change Behavior
- Huffington Post: What Happens When You Remove Facebook’s Most Popular Feature
- France Info: Comment Facebook nous transforme en comptables de notre popularité (interview with French Public Radio)
- Slate: Those Red Facebook Notifications Are What’s Driving Your Addiction
- Wired Italy: Fb, il social che crea dipendenza dai numeri: The Facebook Demetricator li nasconde
- la Repubblica: Facebook, contro la ‘febbre da like’ l’esperimento che ha nascosto notifiche e ‘Mi piace’
- Daily Mail [UK]: Could this tool cure you of Facebook addiction? Demetricator stops you analysing how popular you are on the social network
- Slate [France]: Comment les chiffres changent notre comportement sur Facebook
- Metroxpress [Denmark]: Er du blevet en slave af likes på Facebook? Sådan slipper du for dem
- Panorama [Italy]: Facebook dà dipendenza? Colpa dei numeri. Ecco come eliminarli
- Bustle: The Facebook Demetricator Extension is the Easiest Way to Enjoy Social Media Again