Go Rando Shortlisted for H3K Net Based Award

net based award

Go Rando was shortlisted for the H3K net based award in Switzerland

I’m pleased to share that my work Go Rando has been shortlisted for the net based award from H3K, the Haus der elektronischen Künste in Basel, Switzerland! Ten works are on the list, and I’m happy to be amongst many friends with fabulous works, including Nicolas Maigret, Maria Roszkowska, Jan Robert Leegte, Sebastian Schmieg, Annie Abrahams, and Owen Mundy.

According to H3K’s description, the “net based” award was:

…launched as a new prize in Switzerland, [and] aims to draw attention to the Internet as a platform for artistic activities and to make innovative web-based projects or projects inspired by the Internet accessible to a broader public; at the same time, it aims to raise the visibility of the Swiss scene in this genre, and to promote international exchange. It is to the Internet as the site for art production and as a medium for distribution that the new prize is dedicated. The prize aims to promote net based art and innovative net culture.

The 2018 Jury members are Josephine Bosma, Christophe Guignard, Valérie Perrin, Raffael Dörig, and Sabine Himmelsbach.