I’m happy to share that I have a chapter in the recently released 3D Additivist Cookbook. Edited by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke and published by the Institute for Network Cultures, the cookbook “is a free compendium of imaginative, provocative works from over 100 world-leading artists, activists and theorists. The 3D Additivist Cookbook contains .obj and .stl files for the 3D printer, as well as critical and fictional texts, templates, recipes, (im)practical designs and methodologies for living in this most contradictory of times.” My piece is titled “Adding to Subtract: 3D Printer Recipes to Disrupt Our Desire for More,” and can be found on pp. 256-9 of the free open-access PDF. The whole thing is a large 460MB download—if you’d prefer, you can grab my text here (along w/ the cover page, contents, and editor introduction).