Grosser Interviewed by ArtBookGuy

Grosser Interviewed by ArtBookGuy

Grosser Interviewed by ArtBookGuy

This summer I was interviewed by Michael Corbin, also known as ArtBookGuy. It was a great conversation, and we covered a variety of topics including new media, software, Facebook, presentism, artistic labor, why we always want more, robots, and the point of art. If these topics sound intriguing, take a look at Ben Grosser: New Media.

If you aren’t familiar with ArtBookGuy, he has amassed an impressive collection of artist interviews. They don’t have the stilted, formal feel of many of the genre, but are instead in a conversational style that follows threads wherever they go. There’s lots to learn here! ArtBookGuy has also interviewed a couple of my friends: Patrick Hammie and Flounder Lee.

Many thanks to Michael for the great conversation and for contributing to the artist community in this way.